Sunday, August 3, 2008

Honey Springs Road

My ride this last saturday was a doozy. I had no idea there was such a creature so close to where I live.

This last Saturday we rode from the Rancho San Diego area to the Chula Vista Trek store, back out Otay Lakes to the 94 and then up HONEY SPRINGS ROAD.....

It sounds nice enough, but trust me 7 miles of climbing in 104 degree heat (and I mean climbing, a little over 2000 feet of climbing) can really test a cyclist. Quite a few people actually didn't make it had to stop and get picked up so they could fight another day. If you live in Chula Vista and are familiar with Chick-Filet hill imagine going up that for 7 miles in 104 degree heat. I actually had to stop 3 times myself just for a breather each time.

I drank 5 bottle of fluid (either Gatorade or water), ate 8 fig newtons, 2 Gu packs, and 2 sport bean packs and still came back 3.5lbs lighter than when I left that morning.

After the hill we still had about 15 miles of riding to get back to the start, but after the hill, that was nothing. Here is a link to the ride.

The real kicker of it, was the heat and the fact that the hill came in the back part of the ride. Until now, most of our climbing has been in the front part of the ride, which makes sense, as each week builds upon the previous. Next week has even more total climbing, but it's broken out a bit more and no single hill as severe as HONEY SPRINGS ROAD.


bert wolfe said...

heck of a ride! how long did it take you?

Thor said...

Four hours 21 minutes