I wasn't sure if I wanted to call this, "I have a problem", or "Traffic Jam". We currently have 6 bikes in our garage for 2 people...
One I was borrowing from my brother, so only 5 are actually ours.
Lotus and I have discovered Mountain Biking. I did not think I was going to really like it, but I do. I always thought I was a die hard "roadie", but there is something to this off road stuff.
We recently got new Mountain Bikes, since the ones we were using are about 10 years old and really rusty. The front brakes on the one I was using lock up from time to time, and that can be a bit harrowing when you are going down hill really fast. I either need to fix them up a bit in case Sailor Moon and Junglicious want to use them, or just give them to Goodwill (I guess I should still fix the brakes before I give them to them too).
Our new bikes are pretty cool. I'll post about them later. We both got the same model, with the same paint scheme, so we will be the cutest.... gag....